Sunday 30 December 2012


She is my earth and I will be buried in her
Soft touch and damp soil, the smell of growth
winding vines, arching trees and speckled flower
Vitality is her and the air amidst her forest sings with life

I am a stranger here but I may yet find my way
Amongst these mountains and these mines
The secret places of the world hidden from day
The stones, their might and prowess holds many jewels

And yet I fear to break these stones of old
To uproot the trees and and bring these forests flame
Yet fire has proved to be the mountains mould
So shall I take the risk and bare the blame

I will revel in this land I call my home
My lover and my friend of old and new
This lady of the ground, not mine alone
But she is my earth and I will be buried here.


"Peculiar, but the fire knows a friend"
Words of a lover wreathed in flame
He burns like lightening without an end
A white hot blaze fallen from the sky

I do not know the burns I will sustain
Flesh seared from bone my soul becomes an ember
But without him I know I no longer with remain
Adrift in a land of ice and snow

I do not wish to walk those hallowed grounds
To hear the ice's roar beneath my feet
The snow upon the wind and all around
The desolation brought by souls defeat.

So here I shall remain amongst the fire
Consumed by heat which my heart comprehends
This warmth my downfall and desire
Peculiar but the fire knows a friend

Tuesday 25 December 2012


Hot angry tears, not because of the way you let me down.
But they way you roll you eyes, like a child, tell me I'm a child, a little girl has so much less to say than I.
You wield daggers, flaming hot, engraved the words "You're not listening" into my soul
I feel like wildfire, out of control, you took from me my composition.
Reduced crescendos and arpeggios into dissonant chords. Angry fists smashed into a piano.
I give,
         and give
                     and give
That you will reciprocate, just one moment. Hear a word upon the wind and not bury it in the earth.
That you will not pierce that ancient wound and tear it asunder and laugh as the red essence of my being pours out onto your floor.
Shame and guilt  The slow defeat by perfect eyes, by measured words, each weighed against my failings.
I fight back, each blow a desperate gasp for air, tearing flesh from my own bones, clawing at impossibility.
I fall
                        by you.
My hatred burnt away, the embers prick my skin the last tendrils of my armour are consumed.
I am naked, shivering in perfect beat to your slow, ringing footsteps. Shuddering breaths my only voice.
I am muted by your 'understanding'. These are my eight beats rest, I do not recall how to play, which notes?
"I know you love me, and I love you, sorry" a perfect cadence. Standing ovation. I am nothingness again.


Silent Night, Holy Night. 
Thoughts unbidden, in darkness rise. 
The smell of paper, a ticking clock
A man in red, a devil’s disguise.  

Small child, helpless child.
Born each year, seems so mild
Fire within, damnation and hate
a debt unpaid, a love beguiled. 

Father’s gaze, Mother’s eyes
An ancient hymn, is my demise
Once filled with love, and promises kind
Old words and pages, twist and writhe

Fools and bells, they will not come
Heed the call and sound the drum
A minute past twelve, the swelling sound 
Of things unsaid, of songs unsung. 
Soon to be made, I am undone  

Almost Home

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Sparks in wires, smokestack pipe dreams.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
The lovers haze on distant balconies.

Inhale, hold your breath
Exhale, feel the fumes
Lover friends, feel the blur
Keys in eyes, the dead exhume.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Sparks in wires, smokestack pipe dreams.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
The lovers haze on distant balconies.

Clutch the air, it’s slipping
Consume her soul, she’s breathing
Grasp each note, forsaking you
Burn the blood, you’re leaving

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Sparks in wires, smokestack pipe dreams.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
The lovers haze on distant balconies.